KinX Bring families together through technology


An essay giving a proposal for our quarter-long project

Contextual Inquiry

An analysis of the shopping behavior in the target audience

Task Analysis

Using the master-apprentice model, we came up with a set of tasks that the user would complete using our application.

Video Prototype and Design Sketches

Based on our storyboards, we designed a likely scenario that displays the various tasks that our users will perform.

Low Fidelity Prototyping and Testing

Using paper prototypes we performed user tests to determine the usability of our application.

Interactive Prototype

From what we learned from the low fidelity usability testings, we designed a medium fidelity prototype that would demonstrate how a user would interact with our application.

Poster and Pitch

Final presentation at the project fair

High Fidelity Prototype

We translated the interactive prototype to an actual iOS application to demonstrate real-life uses