KinX Bring families together through technology

High Fidelity Prototype

Link to high fidelity prototype

Instructions (Readme)

Requirements: The prototype is viewable on an iPhone or an iOS device.

  1. Open the above link in Safari on your iOS device
  2. Wait for the application to download and install
  3. Navigate to your application screen and click on the app named 'KinX'
  4. Once the app loads, navigate using the navigation on the bottom
  5. Enjoy! Let us know if you have any feedback or comments


There are quite a few elements of the app that showcase the design of our app without actually functioning. For instance, you can go into the create a new chat/event/note section and fill in all of the information, but when you click save the data does not persist. Also, adding text to a chat and clicking send does not actually do anything but you are given the impression that it does by being able to type in the text field.

How to navigate specific features




Medium Fidelity Prototype

We created the medium fidelity prototype in inVision

Link to medium fidelity prototype

Limitations to our prototype:

This prototype only demonstrates three tasks that represent the major use scenarios.
