Pass It On
Improve offline interactions

Poster and Pitch (completed 12/02/14)

Our team created a 30 second pitch to present our app, along with a single slide to accompany the pitch.

Link to Pitch Slide PDF

We also designed a poster that presents the main ideas of Pass It On

Link to Poster PDF

Heuristic Evaluation (completed 11/08/14)

Another group of students evaluated our medium-fidelity prototype using Nielsen's Usability Heuristics.

Link to Heuristic Report PDF

Medium-Fidelity Prototype (completed 10/30/14)

In the assignment, we learned how to build medium-fidelity prototypes of user interface ideas using the interactive user interface design tool, Marvel. We revised our user interface ideas based on the low-fi eval and the feedback we received.

Link to instructions to use prototype  · Link to Medium-Fidelity Report PDF  · Link to Medium-Fidelity Presentation Slides

Low-Fidelity Prototype (completed 10/23/14)

In this assignmnent, we learned how to use low-fi prototyping in the early stages of UI design. We built a low-fi prototype and performed a simple usability test. We will use any feedback we receive and incorporate it into our next prototype.

Link to Low-Fidelity Prototype Report PDF · Link to Low-Fidelity Prototype Presentation Slides

Concept Video & Sketches (completed 10/16/14)

In the assignment, we continued to learn how to brainstorm design ideas and turn these ideas into a concept video.

Link to Video File  · Link to Video Report PDF

Contextual Inquiry & Task Analysis (completed 10/09/14)

We utilized the contextual inquiry methodology to learn more about the work/play/use practices of our target customers. We conducted interviews, and collected data that form the basis for a task analysis of our idea. We also started to sketch our ideas.

Link to Contextual Inquiry Report PDF  · Link to Contextual Inquiry Presentation Slides