CS547 Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Seminar on People, Computers, and Design)
Fridays 11:30am-12:30pm PT · Gates B3 · Open to the public
Justine Cassell MIT Media Lab Communicating with Machines Using Speech, Gesture, and Facial Expression
May 22, 1998
Humans communicate with one another using speech, prosodic cues, hand gestures, gaze and facial expression. When we try to communicate with computers, however, we are reduced to using text or limited speech. And computers respond with text or monotone speech, depriving us of the cues provided by those other communicative modalities. In this talk I will discuss advances in giving computers the ability to produce and interpret not only speech but also intonation, hand gesture, and facial movements. I will show examples of 'embodied conversational agents' -- animated human-like figures who increasingly are able to produce and interpret the full range of human conversational behaviors. |