      The initial inspiration for the design of the game were handbells. We wanted to develop a game/toy for children to collaboratively make music.

Design Process
      During the design process we went through many versions. The design process was an iterative one. We would develop a prototype and then run user tests with children to get feedback. Using the feedback we receive, we would produce the next iteration of the prototype.

Design Challenges
      In general, we focused on a couple of main design challenges. Regarding the gloves, we searched for a set of gloves that would fit well on the kids, a set of gloves that were comfortable to wear for a long duration, and a set of gloves that not cause sweaty hands during game play. Regarding hardware, we looked for sensors that would have high sensitivity on a large surface area such as the palm of your hand. Regarding the navigation, we worked to develop an easy way for players to navigate and choose game play modes, game songs, and game characters. Regarding game play, we tried to compose songs that would be complex and fast enough to keep the attention of the players and also easy enough for beginnings to catch on relatively quickly.