WhoIsZuki is a narrative-based Android application that combines compelling storytelling with beautiful artwork to encourage positive behavior change. Seeking to find alternatives to quantitative, dashboard-based systems for goal-setting and activity tracking, Zuki utilizes a story that unlocks as one completes their goals and ambient reminders to engage its users.
The protagonist of the first iteration of the narrative is an alien named Zuki.
The story follows Zuki's adventures and obstacles, unlocked chapter by chapter as the user continues reaching their goals.
Illnesses that can be prevented by increased physical activity are rising on a global scale. According to the WHO, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and stroke are estimated affect billions around the world. It is estimated that 5 million deaths could be prevented annually just by increases physical activity. Technologies such as mobile apps and connected sensors have been broadly adopted to help encourage physical fitness. The prevalence of programs offering free apps and connected devices sponsored by the workplace and medical centers is on the rise, offering ample opportunities for exposure and use. However, many of these apps and programs rely on a quantitative, dashboard-based monitoring approach that can be difficult to interpret and actually result in discouragement. WhoIsZuki seeks to provide an alternative to this by utilizing the power of visual narratives to promote curiosity, engagement, and self-reflection.
We are a group of researchers from Stanford CS and English and Darmouth led by Professor James Landay, Professor Paula Moya, and Professor Elizabeth Murnane. We aim to provide everyone with technology for empowering, positive behavior change in the areas of health, eco-friendly living, and more.
We are honored to have the following alumni who have worked with us in the past.