Interface Design for Art
Peter Samis, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, with Steve Mayer
PeterSamis@aol.comSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University March 7, 1997
The talk will address issues of interface and navigation design relevant to the development of art education programs present and future, and Peter will demo the programs developed by SFMOMA to date, including a sneak preview of "Voices and Images of California Art."
Peter Samis is Program Manager for Interactive Educational Technologies and Assistant Curator of Education at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. He served as art historian/content expert for the first CD-ROM on modern art, American Visions: 20th Century Art from the Roy R. Neuberger Collection, and spearheaded the development of three interactive multimedia programs for the inauguration of SFMOMA's new building. One of these programs, "Voices and Images of California Art," is about to be released as SFMOMA's first CD-ROM. Samis holds a B.A. in Religion from Columbia College in New York, and an M.A. in the History of Art from the University of California, Berkeley. He lectures widely and writes on both multimedia- and art-related topics.
Samis will be joined by Steve Mayer, co-founder of Atari and advisor to numerous educational and cultural institutions on the effective use of computer technologies.
Titles and abstracts for all years are available by year and by speaker.
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