A Digital Library Interface
Steve Cousins, Rebecca Lasher, Andreas Paepcke, Dept. of Computer Science and Computer Science Library, Stanford
paepcke@db.stanford.eduSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University February 2, 1996
Stanford's digital libraries project has tackled the problem of provding a uniform, comprehensible interface to the diverse, distributed world of collections and services that can be reached through the Internet (including, but not limited to the World Wide Web). As part of this week's celebration of the dedication of our new Computer Science Building, we have prepared a demonstration of the current state of the interface, and of the underlying technologies for interoperability. This talk will include both a demonstration of the interface and some details of the object-oriented architecture and protocols that make it possible to integrate diverse services in a single client. We will also describe the status of the NCSTRL project for a national on-line computer science technical report library, which was the predecessor of our current work and is continuing to develop new technologies, such as an approach to global document naming.
Steve Cousins is a Ph.D. student with Terry Winograd, working on novel user interfaces for digital libraries. Before coming to Stanford, he was a research associate in the medical informatics laborarory at Washington University in St. Louis. He holds a B.S. and an M.S. in computer science from Washington University.
Rebecca Lasher is Head Librarian and Bibliographer, Mathematical and Computer Sciences Library, Stanford University. She is one of two librarians working on the NSF/ARPA/NASA funded Stanford Digital Library Project and also a member of the ARPA funded Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library (NCSTRL) working group. Rebecca has worked in her present position for nine years, previously she was at the University of Texas at Austin.
Andreas Paepcke is a senior research scientist at Stanford University. His current research interests include object-oriented programming, open implementations and metaobject protocols applied to problems of information access. While at Hewlett-Packard laboratories, he designed and implemented one of the early persistent object systems and an object view over a large collection of text databases. At Xerox PARC he participated in the development of a tutorial on open implementations. At Stanford he is manager and researcher with the Digital Library project. In 1978 he received a BA and MS from Harvard University. In 1982 he received a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
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