Using computers to teach medicine: Design and interface issues
Parvati Dev, SUMMIT Stanford University School of Medicine
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University March 4, 1992
Instructional software, or courseware, and its attendant technologies, multimedia and hypermedia, raise numerous issues about design, interface, audience, and utility. In SUMMIT's two years of existence, we have explored numerous models for presenting educational material - the lecture replacement, the question bank, the structured review, the highly cross-referenced information bank, and the simulated patient. We have also explored some of the factors that lead to success. I will present the SUMMIT experience and use examples of courseware that we have developed to explore the issues encountered in design, navigation and interface development.
Parvati Dev completed her doctoral degree on computer models of the brain at Stanford in 1975. Since then she has worked at M.I.T., Boston University, the Veterans Adminstration Medical Center and Stanford on projects using the computer to study the control of movement in animals and in patients with paralyzed muscles. From 1982 to 1989 she was at a medical imaging company where she led product development for three-dimensional imaging of patients from computed tomography and magnetic resonance scans. At SUMMIT, she directs a group that develops and encourages the use of computers in medical education. Address: Parvati Dev, Ph.D. Director, SUMMIT Stanford Univ. School of Medicine MSOB - X329 Stanford, CA 94305-0152 (415) 723-8087 (415) 725-8668 fax
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