Reducing the Power of High-Tech Scribes
Gerhard Fischer, Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University March 1, 1991
Domain workers should gain considerably more independence from computer specialists. Just as the pen was taken out of the hands of the scribes in the middle ages, the power of the high-tech scribes should be reduced and given to the users of computer systems. We have developed conceptual frameworks, innovative prototypes and an architecture for integrated, domain-oriented, knowledge-based design environ- ments to reduce the power of high-tech scribes.
Gerhard Fischer is Professor in the Computer Science Department and a Member of the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His research interest include artificial intelligence, human-computer communica- tion, cognitive science and software design. His research has led to the development of new conceptual frameworks and to the design and implementation of a number of innovative systems in the areas of cooperative problem solving, integrated domain-oriented design environments, intelligent support systems and end-user modifiabilibility (including reuse and redesign).
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