A Brief Description of the Group Interface Session with Bernie DeKoven
Bernie DeKoven
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University January 30, 1991
Participants will examine a particular system for creating a successful interface between computer/communication technologies and the working group. The presenter, Bernard DeKoven, will be using a group computing interface system of his own design to illustrate and facilitate the session. Participants will, via his technography approach, experience using the computer, as a group, to develop, organize and produce a collaboratively authored report on issues and resources related to group interface. Topics considered will include the social, cultural and organizational definitions of "collaboration," an exploration of the functions of feedack and control in the collaborative setting, and a survey of group interface technologies. The session will conclude with a questions period followed by the collection and production of group notes ("conoting").
Bernard DeKoven is currently at work developing what he calls his "kindergarten to boardroom curriculum in democratic communication." He is the author of "Connected Executives: A Strategic Communications Plan," and, through his Institute for Better Meetings in Palo Alto, is the developer and distributor of the "Technographers' Handbook", and Meeting Meter software packages, and a variety of educational programs and services for enhancing group productivity. Mr. DeKoven is also a founder and proponent of the New Games recreational movement, and author of The Well-Played Game.
Titles and abstracts for all years are available by year and by speaker.
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