The Web Changes Everything:
How Dynamic Content Affects the Way People Find Onlineteevan
Jaime Teevan, Microsoft Research
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
When you visit a colleague's Web page, do the new papers she's posted jump out at you? When you return to your favorite Web news site, is it easy to find the front page article you saw yesterday? The Web is a dynamic, ever-changing collection of information, and the changes can affect, drive, and interfere with people's information seeking activities. This talk will explore how and why people revisit Web content that has changed, and illustrate how understanding the association between change and revisitation might improve browser, crawler, and search engine design.
Stanford University December 4, 2009, 12:50pm, Gates B01
Jaime Teevan is a Researcher in the Context, Learning, and User Experience for Search (CLUES) group at Microsoft Research. Her research centers on how our digital past can help shape our future. Jaime was named to a Technology Review TR35 2009 Young Innovator for her work on personalized search. She co-edited (with William Jones) the first book on Personal Information Management, co-edited a special issue of Communications of the ACM on the topic, and organized workshops on PIM and query log analysis. Jaime has published more than 40 technical papers, including several best papers, and received a Ph.D. and S.M. from MIT and a B.S. in Computer Science from Yale University.
The talks are open to the public. They are in the Gates Building, Room B01 in the basement. The nearest public parking is in the structure at Campus Drive and Roth Way.
View this talk on line at CS547 on Stanford OnLine or using this video link.
Titles and abstracts for previous years are available by year and by speaker.