Crowdsourcing Work
Lukas Biewald, Dolores Labs
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University September 25, 2009, 12:45pm, Gates B01This talk will focus on what we've learned from outsourcing tens of millions of small tasks to hundreds of thousands of anonymous online workers. Some work for cash, others for virtual goods, others for charity. What really motivates people to work more? What motivates people to work more carefully? What aspects of the interface really matter? What kinds of new things can you do when you can access thousands of people for a couple dollars?
Lukas Biewald is founder and CEO of Dolores Labs, a company offering on-demand work with quality guarantees. He recently published a chapter in the book Beautiful Data published by O'Reilly. Previously he worked on machine learning and search relevance problems for Powerset and Yahoo. He has a BS and MS from Stanford.
The talks are open to the public. They are in the Gates Building, Room B01 in the basement. The nearest public parking is in the structure at Campus Drive and Roth Way.
View this talk on line at CS547 on Stanford OnLine or using this video link.
Titles and abstracts for previous years are available by year and by speaker.