Pen and paper are powerful tools for visualizing designs, penning music, and communicating through art and written language. This pairing provides many benefits—it is mobile, flexible, and robust. Our use of paper has even adapted to fit into today's electronic workplace. We print electronic documents so that we can annotate them. We scribble meeting notes on pads, before we type them up and email them to our colleagues. We sometimes attach sticky notes to our LCD monitors, because writing down a to-do can be faster than entering it into our online task list.
My work explores how we can combine the power of pen and paper with the benefits of computation, including search, remote collaboration, and data storage. In this talk, I will discuss the impact that this will have on end users and the software developers that will have to create these applications. First, I will describe our observational study of field biology researchers, one example of a community that will benefit from this technology. Second, I will present a set of interactions to demonstrate the potential of pen-and-paper computing. Finally, I will describe a toolkit architecture and development environment that will enable programmers to create these applications.