People, Computers, and Design: A View from UCSD
Jim Hollan, Cognitive Science, UC San Diego
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University November 21, 2003Computers are special in that they provide a new kind of stuff out of which to fashion virtual worlds to augment our perceptual, conceptual, and social interactions. They provide the most plastic medium for representation, communication, and interaction we have ever known. Ensuring that designs of computationally-based systems appropriately respect and effectively augment human needs and abilities is an intellectual challenge of the highest order. To meet this challenge requires careful continuing examination of the theoretical and methodological frameworks upon which we base our research activities. In this talk, I will focus on the theoretical and methodological choices we have made in our research and demonstrate how they have been instantiated in example current research projects on negotiated access, ubiquitous computing, gestures, ethnography of driving, and spatial multiscale tools for managing personal information collections.
Jim Hollan is Professor of Cognitive Science at UCSD and in collaboration with Ed Hutchins directs the Distributed Cognition and HCI Laboratory. After receiving a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology (Florida) and completing a postdoc in artificial intelligence (Stanford), he moved to San Diego (UCSD and NPRDC) to design computer-based instructional systems (Steamer), object-based graphical editors, and investigate direct manipulation interfaces as part of the User-Centered System Design (UCSD) project. He then directed the MCC HCI Laboratory in creating an integrated tool suite for designing multimodal interfaces. Subsequently he started the Computer Graphics and Interactive Media Research Group at Bellcore to investigate multiscale interfaces (Pad++) for information visualization and served as Chair of the Computer Science Department at the University of New Mexico. He returned to UCSD in 1997.
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