Handheld Usability
Scott Weiss, Usable Products Company
sweiss@usableproducts.comSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University October 25, 2002Scott Weiss, author of "Handheld Usability" (Wiley: 2002), will present a brief look into the handheld product market. He will start with an
overview of just what distinguishes a handheld, then will describe the market for these devices. He will give details of the hardware, operating systems, and design strategies for phones, PDAs, and pagers. Before taking questions from the audience, he will cover paper prototyping and usability testing for handhelds.Scott Weiss, Principal and Founder of Usable Products Company, is an information architect, usability expert, and author of "Handheld Usability" (John Wiley & Sons, June 2002). He held positions in the software industry from 1989 to 1996 designing software and managing software projects. His former employers include Microsoft, Apple, Sybase, and Autodesk. He is the chair of the New York City chapter of ACM SIG CHI, the Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction. He also chairs the New York New Media Association's Special Interest Group on Design.
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