Where Do Web Sites Come From?
Capturing and Interacting with Design HistoryScott Klemmer, Group for User Interface Research, UC Berkeley Dept. of Computer Science
srk@cs.berkeley.eduSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University May 31, 2002To form a deep understanding of the present; we need to find and engage history. We present an informal history capture and retrieval mechanism for collaborative, early-stage information design. This history system is implemented in the context of the Designers. Outpost, a wall-scale, tangible interface for collaborative web site design. The interface elements in this history system are designed to be build and comfortable for early-phase design. As demonstrated by an informal lab study with six professional designers, this history system enhances the design process itself, and provides new opportunities for reasoning about the design of complex artifact.
Slides for this talk are at http://guir.berkeley.edu/projects/outpost/talks/Outpost-Stanford.ppt.
You can download the complete paper from CHI 2002 and see the accompanying videoScott Klemmer is a third year doctoral student in the Group for User Interface Research at UC Berkeley. His advisor is Professor James Landay. His research interests are in novel interaction techniques for supporting collaboration.
. View this talk on line at CS547 on Stanford OnLine
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