You're Invited to the CS377E Project Fair!

Student Project Presentations Monday, June 5th, 6:15 PM – 8:30 PM RSVP

image courtesy of New York Times. flyer for CS377E final project fair. text: CS377E Designing Solutions to Global Grand Challenges: The Refugee Crisis. Project Fair Wednesday, June 1st, 2016. 12:30-2:20pm. Studio 2

Come join us on Monday, June 5th, from 6:15 PM - 8:30 PM to see what the 6 student teams created this quarter in response to the challenge to design for an inclusive tech economy. Dinner is on us.

Students spent the quarter doing projects in the following topics: diversity and gender, accessibility, factory and service workers, the gig economy, and education. They designed, prototyped, and tested innovative ideas. Come learn about the problems they tried to address and the technologically mediated solutions they came up with.

This is a great chance to learn more about designing for an inclusive tech economy and meet top students across many disciplines at Stanford. Dinner and mingle with a select group of students that includes the designers, developers, and deep thinking problem solvers of our future.


Each team will give a 10-minute presentation to give you an overview of their design process and final project. After the presentations, we will have a demo/poster session plus food and drinks to give you a chance to meet the students and see all of the projects up close.


The 6 innovative group projects look at problems in diversity and gender, accessibility, factory and service workers, the gig economy, and education.

RSVP, Directions, & Parking:

The CS377E Project Fair will take place on the Stanford campus, in the atrium. The atrium is located on the first floor of the building in the open area.
You can find parking either in Parking Structure 2 or Tresidder Parking Lot. Parking is free after 4 pm. Parking lots are about a 5-10 minute walk to the fair location. To load the map below in a new window, click here.