Project 4: Lifelogging
CS247 Final Presentations
Monday, March 14, 6-9pm at the
Your final presentation is an opportunity to share your project with your classmates, coaches, and guests from campus and industry. Your team should put together a compelling presentation and demo that communicates your process and results for the quarter. Specifically, your group should prepare the following:
A 150-second (2.5 minute) presentation
Each group will be given two and a half minutes to pitch their project. Use this time to communicate the big picture for your project: what user needs does your project address, and how does your design solution address them? You will not have time to communicate all the details. Rather, think of the presentation as a chance to engage the audience so that they will be excited to learn more from your poster and demo.
You should include at least one slide in your presentation, and you may also create a video. If you choose to make a video, it can not exceed 2 minutes in length. You must use your initial 30 seconds to introduce the project and team members.
All slides should be submitted to the CS247 staff as static 1024 x 768 pixel image files in either PNG or JPG format. A video must be submitted in either MPEG4 (.mp4, .m4v) or Quicktime MOV or AVI format.
We strongly recommend that you script your presentation and practice it many times. Do not go over your allotted time!
A poster describing your project
Your poster should go into greater detail than your presentation. Use the poster to tell the story of your design process and the final application. What is the user need (or "how might we's")? What are the most salient design aspects of your application? What insights did you gain from interviews or observations? What did you learn from user testing?
For each of the above, provide only the salient highlights on your poster – you do not need to go into excruciating detail. Avoid being text-heavy. Use photos, screenshots, and sketches to help communicate your process.
To help get started, you may be interested in viewing previous CS247 and CS147 posters here, here, and here.
A short demonstration of your application
As guests visit your poster, each team member should be prepared to describe your project and provide a short demo (roughly 2-3 minutes). Think through how you are going to explain your application to people. Will you hand them a phone or let them interact with a laptop? Or will they watch as you manipulate the interface?
Remember to motivate why you built the app you did. Describe the experience you intend to enable, show your application, and then describe what is unique about your approach along with any salient results from user testing.
Action Items
Submission of Final Projects
Each group should submit the following materials by 10am on 3/14:
- Your final presentation: an ordered set of one or more 1024 x 768 images (PNG or JPG) and an optional movie file (MPEG4 or Quicktime MOV or AVI)
- A link to a home page for your project. This page should introduce your project and group members. Include links to your wiki and any other design documents (sketches, video, user testing documentation). Keep in mind that this page will be reviewed during grading, and more importantly, will be seen by many outside viewers. Design accordingly! (In case you are unsure, take a look at last year's examples &ndash links are at the bottom-right of the page.)
- A hyperlink to, or attachment of, a zip archive of your project code.
Please email materials totaling less than 5MB in size to cs247@cs. Do not send files larger than 5MB (e.g., videos) as attachments. Instead, send us a hyperlink, either to your own web share, or using a service such as Dropbox or YouSendIt.
Poster Session Setup
You should bring your physical poster to the prior to the start of the poster session. We will provide easels for the posters. Please come a half hour early, at 5:30pm, to get set up.
Post-Course Reflection
After the poster session, we'd like each of you to reflect on your project and your experiences in the class. Please email your individual reflections to cs247@cs. Note that this is an individual assignment, not a group assignment.
You should address the following questions: What provided the most valuable learning experiences in the course? What would you change about your own design process if asked to do it again? What would you change about the course itself?
Finally, please also comment on the distribution of work on your project team. This is an opportunity to give kudos to team members who went above and beyond, or flag areas in which individual contributions or team dynamics might have been improved.
Reflections are due on Tuesday 3/15 before 12 noon, but you are free to submit them anytime after the final presentations.