Teaching Team

James Landay

Professor of Computer Science

Office Hours: TBD


Jianna So

Course Assistant

Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3:30-4:30 PM & by appointment



  • 5 written/studio assignments
  • 1 presentation/team member (A DIFFERENT team member presents each time)
  • 9 team assignments
  • Team Project web site
  • 5 presentation/demos
  • Prototype video
  • Final report + poster
  • All group work handed in on team web site

Grade Breakdown

This class must be taken for 4 units. Only graduate students may take this class for anything less than 4 units for financial purposes. The workload is the same regardless of the unit count.

There are no quizzes or exams. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Individual assignments & individual presentation (30%)
  • Participation, attendance + in-class contributions (20%)
  • Group project (50%)

Late policy: no lates on group assignments, individual assignments lose 10% more every 24 hours late

Attendance Policy

One free absence with reasonable excuse. Second pre-excused absence can be removed with make-up assignment.

Lecture Time & Location

Class is held in Gates 100 (the Computer Science Department building) on Monday and Wednesdays from 1:30-3:20pm.

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