We will be looking at a wide variety of technologies (see list below) that might be applicable to the tools you create. We want to take a broad view, going beyond the obviously applicable technologies while not overlooking them. We have invited some brief presentations by people at Stanford and in the area who have been developing interesting new technologies with applications to design. We will have even briefer quick "promos" for others.


Come with your initial POV statement which we will use in the workshop


  • 3:30-3:45 Response to questions and plan for meetings withn teams
  • 3:45-4:15 Introduction and technology promos
  • 4:20-4:50 First round of brainstorms in pairs of teams
    • Present POV to other team
    • Choose 3 cards
    • Brainstorm possibilities
  • 4:40-5:00 Second round of brainstorms in pairs of teams
  • 5:00-5:15 - Group discussion on what was learned
  • 5:15-6:30 Demos and social time



No additional readings for this session


Here is a rough list (in no special order) of things we've thought of. We grouped related technologies into a set of TPOVs (Technology Point of View), focusing on looking for possibilities for a type of technology rather than on the detailed differences examples of it. Google any of them for more info.

  • Design documentation, coordination, and communication [Basecamp, Wiki, blogs]

  • Multimedia editing, production [Jumpcut, iMovie, Emonic Environment, International Remix]

  • Video management and analysis [DIVER, Virage, StudioCode]

  • Ubiquitous cameras [Panoramic and 360 cameras, Tyzx, cheap digital cameras, webcams, cell phones]

  • Distant collaboration [HP Halo, Breeze, NetMeeting, LiveMeeting, Milne thesis, videoconferencing, meeting software, interesting uses of webmail and IM]

  • Web 2.0 including mashups of web services [Google maps, calendar, Yahoo! mashup tools]

  • Collaborative filtering and tagging [del.icio.us, Flickr, Eventful]

  • Location-tracking [RFID, Intel PlaceLab, GPS, mobile phone location services]

  • New display technologies [OLED, LED projectors, Holography, FogScreen, digital paper]

  • Mobile Multimedia [pagers, cameras, iPods, next generation cell phones]

  • Personal sensors [BodyMedia, Healthware]

  • Interaction prototyping toolkits [Flash, scripting languages, Prefuse, d.tools, Phidgets, GameMaker]

  • Augmented spaces [iRoom, Polyvision, Smart Board, Diamond Touch, Teamspace]

  • Active pens/paper [Anoto pens, ButterflyNet, Paper augmented digital documents]

  • Wearable Computing [Headcam, Starner]

  • Net-based user observation/feedback [ EFS (End user feedback service), Ethnio]

  • Ideation tools [Mind maps, idea processors, brainstorming tools, decision support tools]

  • Physical object prototyping [Stereolithography. 3D fax, FDM, laser cutters]

  • Computer games [Game consoles, simulation, graphics accelerators]

  • Thought-provoking collections [IDEO Tech box, Exploratorium, Inventables]

  • Augmented and virtual reality [Simulations, Sims, flight simulators]

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