spring 2009

CS376: Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction

Requirements & Grading

30% Paper critiques: Students should submit short critiques of each reading using the online submission system (in this format). Critiques are due by 7:00am the day of class; late critiques will not be accepted. Students are required to do all the readings, but are only required to submit a critique for those marked on the syllabus. Additionally, each student may opt to pass on three days of critiques for any reason (personal or family matters, conflicting deadlines, etc.); there are no exemptions beyond this. Critiques will be graded on a check-plus/check/check-minus scale, and course staff will provide feedback if we feel your critiques are not up to par (and also if they're great!)

30% Class participation, and leading one class discussion. For details on how to structure a discussion, go here. On their discussion day, students should submit their materials instead of their critique using the online submission system. In evaluating your discussion, the course staff will ask the following questions:

40% Research project: Students will complete a quarter-long mini-research project. Students are encouraged to work in groups of two, and to choose projects that are related to their own research. The grade for this portion will be broken up as follows:

20% Concept & Execution: The strength of the research problem (i.e., do pick something that's research, not just development) and appropriateness of the scope (i.e., don't pick something too large — it's only a 10-week quarter.) Is it executed in ways necessary to understand your research question? (It doesn't need to be functional in ways orthogonal to your research question.)

10% Study: How well did you figure out what you set out to learn?

10% Final Presentation & Report: Explanation of your ideas, motivation, and related work.