spring 2009

CS376: Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction

Discussion Guidelines

Each day, class will consist of a short lecture by the professor or an invited guest on the broad topic of the papers, followed by a discussion of the papers themselves. Each student will be asked to lead one discussion during the quarter. On the day of your discussion, please submit your materials (slides, notes, etc.) via the online course submission system instead of your critique. You should plan for your discussion to take a little more than half of the class period (roughly 45 minutes).

The goal of the discussion is two-fold:

Before class on the day of your discussion, read through all other students' critiques. (They're viewable through the course submission system after they are due at 7am). You are expected to weave ideas from everyone's critiques into the discussion.

We're very open to students trying something innovative or different during the discussion they lead (e.g. having everyone spend 10 minutes building paper prototypes for the Prototyping discussion). However, if you are going to do something like this, please talk to us about it several days beforehand (e-mail cs376@cs with your plan) so that we can help you determine if it is appropriate and achievable in the amount of time you plan to spend.

See the grading page for details on how the discussion you lead will be evaluated.

Signing Up to Lead a Discussion

After class on Thursday, April 2nd, Students should e-mail the course staff (cs376@cs) with their top three preferences for dates to lead a discussion. Dates will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. The syllabus will be continually updated with assignments, so please avoid requesting days that are already assigned.