The department is in the Gates Computer Science Building, located on Campus Drive between Roth Way Serra St.. The street address of the Gates Computer Science Building is 353 Serra Street, Stanford, CA 94305
There is a small lot right at the end of our building (on North Service Road) which has some meters. After 4pm it is available without pay or permit. More parking is available in the structure at the corner of Campus Drive and Roth Way, one block north of Gates. The structure includes pay parking (bring lots of quarters!), as well as "A" and "C" permit parking. I keep a stash of quarters if you need them..
For my office, you can enter the Gates building at the end closest to the parking lot, which is the B wing (the door has a label "Gates B wing"). Come up the stairs to the 3rd floor and go left.Or if you would rather, go up the elevators and make a left as you come out of the elevator. For detail see the floorplan. If the exterior doors are locked (evenings and weekends) call my cell or the office number 723-2780.
Note that not all of the entrances to the Gates Building are labelled as such. The entrance nearest the parking lot is labelled "Gates Bldg" in a small wooden sign, and another entrance is grandly labelled "Engineering Fund Venture Laboratories." (Stanford's Engineering Venture Fund donated the "naming" gift of the B-wing after William Gates of Microsoft donated the "naming" gift of the A-wing.) If you are unsure, the official label of "William Gates Computer Science" can be found at the entrance on Serra Mall (on the A-wing side).
Take the Caltrain to the Palo Alto station.and take the Marguerite Shuttle, which comes right in front of our building.