Perspective Taking Amongst Distributed Workers
Pamela Hinds
Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford
phinds@leland.stanford.eduSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University November 19, 1999This talk with focus on the effect of geographic distance and unshared context on shared mental models of work. Shared mental models are considered a pre-condition to coordinated group action, but much of the work on the development of shared mental models has assumed co-location of team members. Prof. Hinds will discuss the results of an experiment examining the development of shared mental models of work in distributed versus co-located teams. She examines the role that shared versus unshared context plays in the development of shared mental models in distributed teams. In addition, she will present some evidence that distributed teams may not receive the same benefit from having shared mental models as do co-located teams.
Pamela Hinds is Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at Stanford. She studies the interplay between information technologies, information sharing, and human judgment, as a core faculty member of the Center for Work, Technology, and Organization. She is currently conducting research on the affect of remote and distributed work on employees’ shared understanding of work, the affect of intellectual property agreements on information sharing, and the limitations of expertise.
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