Frontiers in Attentive Environments:
An overview of IBM Almaden Research Center's BlueEyes projectMyron Flickner, IBM Almaden Research Center. on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University May 26, 2000IBM's BlueEyes research project is chartered to explore and define attentive environments - environments that are user and context aware. As computers become invisible, pervasive, and location/context aware, a user interface paradigm shift from explicit user control to implicit user control will occur. As evidence of this shift, live (A/V gods willing) demonstrations of MAGIC pointing, our SUITOR ( Simple User Interest Tracker) system, the Emotion mouse, and Pong our attentive robot will be shown .
Myron Flickner is the manager of the attentive environment project at the IBM Almaden Research Center. Myron joined IBM research San Jose in 1982, working on automated inspection of thin film disk heads. During 1987-1988 he researched image processing languages at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center. He returned to the Machine Vision Group at the IBM Almaden Research Center, working on content base image retrieval and multimedia information systems. His current research interests include attentive environments - environments that are user and context aware, enhancing human computer interaction using cameras, image and shape representation, and content based image/video retrieval. Myron Flickner received a B.S.(1980) and a M.S.(1982) in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University.
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