HWI: Human-Wearable Interaction
Vaughan Pratt, Stanford Computer Science Dept.,
pratt@cs.stanford.eduSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University April 14, 2000Human interaction with desktop computers has come far and still has far to go. Interacting with today's tiny wearable computers is qualitatively harder. This talk describes the 4 cu.in. Matchbox PC and examines the challenges and options for convenient and efficient user interaction with so small a computer.
Vaughan Pratt teaches computer science at Stanford University. His Ph.D. thesis at Stanford University under D. Knuth was on Shellsort and Sorting Networks. He taught at MIT from 1972 to 1980, working in natural language, algorithms, complexity theory, and logics of programs. In 1980 he joined Stanford's Sun workstation project, subsequently managing it until the formation of Sun Microsystems in 1982, for whom he designed several software packages as well as the Sun logo. His current interests are wearable computing, speech processing, concurrency theory, and Chu spaces.
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