Tasking Communities of Agents Through Adaptable Multimodal Interfaces

Adam Cheyer, SRI International

Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University May 28, 1999


In today's computing environments, people interact with programs, web sites, devices, and other computational resources individually, one at a time. However, as multitudes of software agents begin populating our netspace, the predominant interface paradigm may shift towards a more delegation-based style, with the user saying: "Here's what I want to do, you programs figure out who needs to be involved."

Within the context of a distributed framework called the Open Agent Architecture (OAA) , we have been exploring ways in which interactions among software components can be made flexible and cooperative. Simultaneously, we are looking at new user interface (UI) approaches for interacting with our evolving communities of agents (programs). Some of the UI qualities we're most interested in include:

Our progress and thoughts in these areas will be illustrated through examples and demonstrations taken from several OAA-based applications.

Adam Cheyer is a computer scientist at SRI International 's Artificial Intelligence Center, and is co-director of SRI's Computer Human Interaction Center (CHIC!).


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