Test as You Build; An Approach To Creating New Interfaces
Ted Selker, IBM Almaden Research Center
selker@almaden.ibm.comSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University January 31, 1997
User System Ergonomics Research is a laboratory in which new ideas are constantly put aside ...and picked up later as they become relevant. An important addition to a user interface scenario is made and we find ourselves "needing" to be build and test it. Our thesis is that particular techniques are useful in particular contexts. What device is good for scrolling and pointing? Where are isotonic and isometric control devices useful? Why and where are 3-D interfaces useful? How should an agent draw user attention around an interface? What are forms that will be useful control surfaces on the desk, in the mall or in meetings? This talk will expose you to a smattering of prototype-test stories demonstrating our approach and some exciting research results in these areas.
Dr. Ted Selker is an IBM Fellow and manager of User System Ergonomics Research at IBM's Almaden Research Center. He works on cognitive, graphical an physical interface. Ted teaches at Stanford, and previously worked at Xerox PARC and Atari Sunnyvale Research Laboratory.
Ted is known for the design of the "TrackPoint III" in keyboard pointing device with performance advantages derived from a special behavioral/motor match algorithm, creating "COACH", an adaptive agent that improves user performance shipping this Fall in OS2, and the design of the 755CV notebook computer that doubles as an LCD projector.
Titles and abstracts for all years are available by year and by speaker.
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