Sketching Information
Takeshi Sunaga, Tama Art University, Tokyo
sunaga@cdr.stanford.eduSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University October 13, 1995
I am studying ways of giving form to artifacts, i.e. man made objects, especially immaterial objects which dynamically and interactively perform with people and their task environment. A few examples are software, communication, information, and interaction.
Several works will be shown as representative of our exploration done in Media & Interface Design program at Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan. Those explorative projects are named "Designing Events", "Visualizing Experience" and "Composing Information (sound, motion, location and knowledge)"
In summary, a few concepts, "Media", "Ecological View" and "Semi-Living Things," underlying our program will be introduced. These three concepts attempt to make one aware of the form of material and immaterial artifacts.
Takeshi Sunaga is Associate Professor of Design Department at Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan. He has done extensive research and practice on Industrial Design for hardware products and Interaction Design for information systems.
He has been directing the Media & Interface Program at Tama for six years. The project exhibit their results in Tokyo every year, once in Berlin, Germany. His early research on Industrial Design was cited on user conceptual models of products with a statistical approach. Then, cognitive aspects of interaction between user and product were discussed as design issues in his doctoral dissertation based on studies of design and cognitive science at the University of Tsukuba.
He directed a number of research and development projects; Reflective models of drawing-thinking as creative process on designing, Temporal structure of screen view on animation film, Dynamic information design for high speed train cockpit, and Graphical user interface design for network operation system. Sunaga is on the board of the Japanese Society of Science of Design.
Titles and abstracts for all years are available by year and by speaker.
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