Following #Twitter
Vik Singh, Sutter Hill Ventures
Seminar on People, Computers, and Design
Twitter's everywhere! In Google search results, Dell's customer support site, and mainstream breaking news - most notably featured in the coverage of the Iranian elections. As these 140-character tweets continue to take the world by storm, many web companies are looking for ways to leverage the real-time, social wisdom of Twitter for improving their applications. This talk will cover interesting usage statistics discovered from analyzing recent crawls of Twitter, discuss methods for processing tweets efficiently, as well as describe working experiments like the new Delicious homepage which stitches related tweets to recent bookmarks to advance the search and discovery of fresh content.
Stanford University January 22, 2010, 12:50pm, Gates B01
Vik Singh is an EIR at Sutter Hill Ventures. Previously, Vik helped create and architect Yahoo! BOSS, an open search platform that now runs over 1B queries a month. He developed supporting examples like TweetNews (which Wired called "the best mashup we've ever seen") and the new Delicious homepage. Vik also worked at Google and Microsoft, both in research and product, helping ship Custom Search and XPSP2 Wireless. At MSR, he worked with Jim Gray, co-authoring a paper about the SkyServer. Vik has filed 9 patents in the areas of search, systems infrastructure, and content optimization. MIT's Technology Review listed him as one of the Top 35 under 35 Innovators of 2009 for his contributions to open search. He and his work have also been mentioned in news sources like CNET, Slashdot, TechCrunch, Washington Post, and the WSJ. Vik graduated from UC Berkeley in computer science in 2007. In high school, Vik competed in policy debate; he won the California state championship and was selected as a Kentucky Fellow, which ranked him among the top 12 debaters in the country.
The talks are open to the public. They are in the Gates Building, Room B01 in the basement. The nearest public parking is in the structure at Campus Drive and Roth Way.
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