The DIVER Project: Point-of-View Authoring of Virtual Tours of Video Recordings (aka "Diving") for Learning, Education and Other Purposes
Roy Pea and Michael Mills, Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning
roy.pea@stanford.eduSeminar on People, Computers, and Design
Stanford University May 23, 2003DIVER (Digital Video Exploration and Reflection) is a research and development project of Stanford's Center for Innovations in Learning that is devoted to creating tools for enhancing the activities of exploring and reflecting on digital video records, captured on devices from consumer videocameras to high-end panoramic videorecorders. The National Science Foundation funded project includes 360-degree panoramic audio-video capture, authoring, and interaction where one can create virtual pathways through video content and annotate them for sharing and commentary via web pages. These DIVER functionalities support "guided noticing" as an instructional method (e.g., in teacher education, graduate research training), and in collaborative researcher analyses of videorecords and hold promise for entertainment and commerce. Core objectives of DIVER are to enable "virtual videography" and to allow video users to "capture once, and author forever". The DIVER project aspires to accelerate cultural appropriation of video as a fluid expressive medium for generating, sharing and critiquing different perspectives on the same richly recorded events and to work with others to provide a Digital Video Collaboratory that enables cumulative knowledge building from video-as-data for discovery and commentary. DIVER is designed so as to provide an integrated platform for digital video recording, annotation, management, transcoding, distribution, and collaboration.
Roy Pea is Professor of Education and Learning Sciences at Stanford University, Co-Director of the Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning (SCIL,, and has extensive experience in applying video analysis technology to studies in the learning sciences and technology design. He is Fellow of the National Academy of Education, American Psychological Society, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He is co-founder of
Michael Mills is SCIL's design director, and a cognitive scientist with 17 years experience in interface, product and interface design, user studies, and teaching. While serving as principal scientist at Apple Computer, he was instrumental in the development of QuickTime and QuickTimeVR. He holds several interface design patents in digital video, and has authored many articles on interface design..
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