Getting Started
- Basic Pen Setup with a Nokia SU-1B or Logitech IO2 (BT)
- Anoto SDK and FDT Tutorial — Background knowledge on the tools that R3 builds on. This is not "required knowledge" but is very useful in understanding how R3 works.
- Streaming Live Data with the Nokia SU-1B
- Tools of the Trade
- Get the R3 Toolkit from Google Code and Compile it with Eclipse.
- Hello World! A first application.
- Build an Interactive Print from scratch or from existing JPEG and PDF files.
- Accessing Pen Data in Batched (non-Streaming) Mode
- Leveraging Adobe Illustrator and Acrobat to design and view paper-centric user interfaces.
- Adding Sheets and Regions at Paper-Application Runtime.
- Using Flash Components
- Coming Soon...
Special Topics
- Handwriting Recognition as a Content Filter or as an Independent Service.
Ron B. Yeh
Stanford University