Quick Start
- Get an Anoto Pen. We use the Nokia SU-1B, but the Maxell Penit probably also works.
- Install the Nokia SU-1B software and the Anoto SDK.
- If the pen hasn't been upgraded, upgrade the firmware to allow for streaming. Install the Widcomm drivers for your bluetooth dongle.
- Make sure you have .NET 2.0.
- For handwriting recognition, install the Tablet PC SDK ver 1.7 and the Recognizer Pack. This only works on Windows Pro/Tablet editions. If you have a Mac, unfortunately, you'll need to dual boot or run Parallels.
- Eclipse IDE
Install this IDE, because the R3 toolkit is primarily in Java. If you need to customize any of the .NET parts of R3 (which is unlikely) you'll need Visual Studio .NET 2005.
- Java 6
Install the JDK/JRE.
- TortoiseSVN
Get Tortoise v. 1.4 so that you can download the code.
- Download the code from Google Code Hosting. Use the HTTPS version if you are a developer on this project. Otherwise, use the HTTP version (which is displayed below).
This is the main PaperToolkit project. I tend to put it under My Documents/Projects/PaperToolkit, but you can pick your favorite location.
This contains the demonstration apps. I usually put it under My Documents/Projects/PaperToolkitDemos. Once again, use HTTPS if you are a developer on this project.
- Java Comm
Under PaperToolkit\lib\comm, copy the comm.jar and javax.comm.properties files into the right places
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\lib
- Install SVNKit (formerly known as JavaSVN) plugin for Eclipse.
- Install Subclipse or Subversive. They both seem to have plusses and minuses, although I currently have Subversive installed. Make sure you have subclipse use the SVNKit/JavaSVN that supports SVN 1.4, otherwise tortoise won't work well with your Eclipse SVN plugins.
- The first demo you can try is the Handwriting Recognition demo....
Ron B. Yeh
Stanford University