Microcontrollers |
d.tools uses Atmel ATmega and ATtiny microcontrollers. The main d.tools board is based on an ATmega128. During the development process, we used Pascal Stang's AVRmini v3.1 board to prototype our circuits. We now use the small Crumb128 module from German company chip45.com. The Crumb module is plugged into our d.tools PCBs as a daughterboard. For individual I/O components, we use 8-pin ATtiny45 chips, available from AllAmerican or Digikey.
LCD screens |
We recommend Purdy Electronics' prototyping kits - these include LCD screens and control circuitry to drive the screens with a composite video signal (RCA plug). In particular, we've used the AND-TFT-25PA-KIT, AND-TFT-25PA-LED-KIT, AND-TFT-35PA-LED-KITand AND-TFT-5PA-KIT screens. If your graphics card does not have an RCA composite video output, you can convert VGA signals into composite video signals using a scan converter such as the GrandTec PC to Video EZ scan converter (we get them from Buy.com). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Buttons, sensors, etc. |
Jameco in Belmont, CA and Digikey (somewhere in the Mid-west) are reliable sources. For cheap surplus components, we like HSC in Sunnyvale and AllElectronics for mail-order. Parallax has some neat RFID readers and color sensors. Acroname has Sharp IR Rangers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d.tools circuit boards |
Our custom PCBs were designed with Eagle (4.16) and then assembled into larger batches of Gerber/Excellon files with gbtiler. They are manufactured by Advanced Circuits (Denver, CO). Look for their student special. To view Gerber files, we recommend the free PentaLogix Viewmate viewer (we used 9.2) We have gone through a good number of revisions on these boards; here is a sampling of the latest ones (from newer to older):
Gerber/Excellon manufacturing batch files (these are the files as sent to Advanced circuits -they all tile multiple boards onto a larger area to cut down on manufacturing cost):
(Note to self: These files originally came from C:\dev\gerber-files on context) |