Course Syllabus
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Week 1: Analytic Thinking
- The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis. Richard J. Heuer. Center for the Study of Intelligence. Central Intelligence Agency 1999. (Read Chapters 9-12) [Link]
- Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics (Chapter 2: The Science of Analytical Reasoning) [Link]
- Low-Level Components of Analytic Activity in Information Visualization. Robert Amar, James Eagan, and John Stasko. IEEE InfoVis 2005 [Link]
- MAD Skills: New Analysis Practices for Big Data. J. Cohen, B. Dolan, M. Dunlap, J. Hellerstein and C. Welton. VLDB 2009. [Link]
- Exploring the Analytical Processes of Intelligence Analysts. George Chin Jr., Olga A. Kuchar, and Katherine E. Wolf. CHI 2009. [Link]
Week 2: Data Collection
- Designing Adaptive Feedback for Improving Data Entry Accuracy. K. Chen, J. M. Hellerstein and T. Parikh. ACM UIST 2010. [Link]
- Creek Watch: Pairing Usefulness and Usability for Successful Citizen Science. Sunyoung Kim, Christine Robson, Thomas Zimmerman, Jeff Pierce, Eben Harber. ACM CHI 2011. [Link]
- Survey Research. P. S. Visser, J. A. Krosnick, and P. J. Lavrakas. From Handbook of Research Methods in Social Psychology, H. T. Reis and C. M. Judd eds. 2010. [Link]
- Participatory Sensing: Applications and Architecture. D. Estrin. [Link]
- Usher: Improving Data Quality With Dynamic Forms. K. Chen, H. Chen, N. Conway, J. M. Hellerstein and T. Parikh. IEEE TKDE 2010. [Link]
- Data in the First Mile. K. Chen, J. Hellerstein, T. Parikh. CIDR 2011 [Link]
- Survey Design and Implementation in HCI. A. Ant Ozok. From The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, Sears & Jacko, eds. 2009. [Link]
Week 3: Data Cleaning & Transformation
- Potter’s wheel: An interactive data cleaning system. V. Raman and J. M. Hellerstein. In VLDB, pages 381-390, 2001. [Link]
- Wrangler: Interactive Visual Specification of Data Transformation Scripts. Sean Kandel, Andreas Paepcke, Joseph Hellerstein, Jeffrey Heer. ACM CHI 2011. [Link]
- Potluck: semi-ontology alignment for casual users. Huynh DF, Miller RC, Karger DR. In: ISWC; 2007. p. 903-910. [Link]
- J.M. Hellerstein. Quantitative data cleaning for large databases, 2008. White Paper, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. [Link]
- Intelligently creating and recommending reusable reformatting rules. Scaffidi C, Myers B, Shaw M. In: ACM IUI; 2009. p. 297-306. [Link]
Week 4: Data Integration
- Interactive entity resolution in relational data: A visual analytic tool and its evaluation. H. Kang, L. Getoor, B. Shneiderman, M. Bilgic, and L. Licamele. IEEE TVCG, 14(5):999-1014, 2008. [Link]
- Vispedia: Interactive Visual Exploration of Wikipedia Data via Search-Based Integration. Bryan Chan, Leslie Wu, Justin Talbot, Mike Cammarano, Pat Hanrahan. TVCG, 14(6), 1213-1220, 2008. [Link]
- Miller, et al. The Clio project: managing heterogeneity. SIGMOD Record 30(1), 2001. [Link]
- WebTables: Exploring the Power of Tables on the Web. M. Cafarella, A. Halevy, Z. D. Wang, E. Wu & Y. Zhang. VLDB 2008. [Link]
- Visualization of mappings between schemas. Robertson GG, Czerwinski MP, Churchill JE.. In: ACM CHI; 2005. p. 431-439. [Link]
- Relations, cards, and search templates: user-guided web data integration and layout. Mira Dontcheva, Steven M. Drucker, David Salesin, Michael F. Cohen. ACM UIST 2007. [Link]
Week 5: Managing Big Data
- MapReduce and Parallel DBMSs: Friends or Foes? M. Stonebraker, D. Abadi, D. J. DeWitt, S. Madden, E. Paulson, A. Pavlo, and A. Rasin. Communications of the ACM, 53(1), pp. 64-71, January 2010. [Link]
- Integrating Compression and Execution in Column-Oriented Database Systems. D. Abadi, S. Madden and M. Ferreira. ACM SIGMOD 2006. [Link]
- Distributed Data-Parallel Computing Using a High-Level Programming Language. M. Isard and Y. Yu. ACM SIGMOD 2009. [Link]
- MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. J. Dean and S. Ghemawat. OSDI 2004. [Link]
Week 6: Visual Analysis
- Polaris: A System for Query, Analysis and Visualization of Multi-dimensional Relational Databases. C. Stolte, D. Tang, and P. Hanrahan. TVCG, 8(1), Jan 2002. [Link]
- Snap-Together Visualization: A User Interface for Coordinating Visualizations via Relational Schemata. C. North and B. Shneiderman. AVI 2000. [Link]
- Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation and the Application to the Development of Graphical Models. W. S. Cleveland, R. McGill, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 79:387, pp. 531-554, 1984. [Link]
- Show Me: Automatic Presentation for Visual Analysis. J. Mackinlay, P. Hanrahan and C. Stolte. IEEE InfoVis 2007. [Link]
Week 7: Analysis Practices
- MAD Skills: New Analysis Practices for Big Data. J. Cohen, B. Dolan, M. Dunlap, J. Hellerstein and C. Welton. VLDB 2009. [Link]
- Sarah Cohen, Chengkai Li, Jun Yang, and Cong Yu. Computational Journalism: A Call to Arms to Database Researchers. CIDR 2011. [Link]
- Design Considerations for Collaborative Visual Analytics. J. Heer and M. Agrawala. Information Visualization Journal, 7(1), 49–62, 2008. [Link]
- VisTrails: Visualization Meets Data Management. S. P. Callahan, J. Freire, E. Santos, C. E. Scheidegger, C. T. Silva, H. T. Vo. ACM SIGMOD 2006. [Link]
- Graphical Histories for Visualization: Supporting Analysis, Communication, and Evaluation. J. Heer, J. Mackinlay, C. Stolte and M. Agrawala. IEEE InfoVis 2008. [Link]
Week 8: Social Network Analysis
- Knowledge Sharing and Yahoo Answers: Everyone Knows Something. L. A. Adamic, J. Zhang, E. Bakshy and M. S. Ackerman. WWW 2008. [Link]
- Honeycomb: Visual Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks F. van Ham, H. Schulz and J. M. DiMicco. INTERACT 2009. [Link]
- Finding Beautiful Insights in the Chaos of Social Network Visualizations. Adam Perer. In Beautiful Visualization. O'Reilly Press. 2010. [Link]
- Visual Exploration of Multivariate Graphs. M. Wattenberg. ACM CHI 2006. [Link]
- Graphs over Time: Densification Laws, Shrinking Diameters and Possible Explanations. J. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg, C. Faloutsos. ACM SIGKDD 2005. [Link]
- Signed Networks in Social Media. J. Leskovec, D. Huttenlocher, J. Kleinberg. ACM CHI 2010. [Link]
- Planetary-Scale Views on a Large Instant-Messaging Network. J. Leskovec, E. Horvitz. WWW 2008. [Link]
Week 9: Text Analysis
- Jigsaw: Supporting Investigative Analysis through Interactive Visualization. J. Stasko, C. Görg, Z. Liu. Information Visualization, 7(2), 118-132, 2008. [Link]
- Parallel Tag Clouds to Explore and Analyze Faceted Text Corpora. C. Collins, F. B. Viegas, M. Wattenberg. IEEE VAST 2009. [Link]
- Search User Interfaces, Chapter 11: Information Visualization for Text Analysis. Marti Hearst. 2009. [Link]
- Meme-tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle. J. Leskovec, L. Backstrom, J. Kleinberg. ACM SIGKDD 2009. [Link]
- Participatory Visualization with Wordle. F. B. Viégas, M. Wattenberg and J. Feinberg. IEEE InfoVis 2009. [Link]
- Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics (Chapter 4: Data Representations and Transformations). [Link]
Week 10: Communication & Collaboration
- Journalism in the Age of Data. G. McGhee. [Video]
- Designing for Social Data Analysis. M. Wattenberg and J. Kriss. TVCG 2006. [Link]
- Narrative Visualization: Telling Stories with Data. E. Segel and J. Heer. IEEE InfoVis 2010. [Link]
- CommentSpace: Structured Support for Collaborative Visual Analysis. W. Willett, J. Heer, J. Hellerstein, M. Agrawala. ACM CHI 2011. [Link]
- Harry Potter and the Meat-Filled Freezer: A Case Study of Spontaneous Usage of Visualization Tools. F. B. Viegas, M. Wattenberg, M. McKeon, F. van Ham, J. Kriss. HICSS 2008. [Link]
- Stories in GeoTime. R. Eccles, T. Kapler, R. Harper and W. Wright. IEEE VAST 2007. [Link]