spring 2012

CS376: Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction

Project presentations

On Friday June 8th, the students will present their final projects in Gates 104. We'll have a few things to snack on starting at noon; presentations will start at 12:30 sharp.

Presentations are free and open to the public, and you'll have time to have a beverage and talk with the students afterwards. If you'll attend (and we hope you will), rsvp to Jillian.

List of student projects this year:

CPR Chest Compression Rates

Janelle Tiulentino and Wenqing Dai

Coming soon

Not just hand waving

Eli Marschner and Bobby Georgescu

Coming soon

Musical Interactions for Novices

Sébastien Robaszkiewicz and Luke Dahl

Does imposing structure on musical interactions lead to a better experience for musical novices? Does it lead to better music?

If we journaled more, we would probably think of a better title than this.

Kathryn Papadopoulos and Arvind Satyanarayan

Journaling is good You should journal more... We think... Why don't you do it?

Social Breathwear

Kanit "Ham" Wongsuphasawat and Alex Gamburg

Coming soon

Revision Control

Rebecca Poulson and Clare Contantine

Current graphic version control systems offer access to multiple drafts of a work and often feature straight forward comparison methods. However, when navigating back to drafts, users are forced to remember when and where they saved the draft, which often leads to waste time in navigation as the users click through to incorrect drafts in the search for the right one. We built a novel navigation interface to aid in finding a draft by categorizing versions using specific characteristics of the draft, rather than just a name and a timestamp, to better understand how the user thinks about the drafts.

Analysis on Priming Effects of User Ratings through Exploring Design Alternatives

Michael White and Amy Jang

Despite the importance of ratings in many applications, the presence of past ratings primes the rating decisions of users posting new ratings. We hypothesize that some rating interfaces induce less priming than others. This study will address the question of which user interface for displaying past ratings data primes users the least?

Networked applications for novices with Waldo

Behram Mistree and

Waldo is a 2 month old programming language intended to make it easier for novices to write networked applications. Waldo's design goal is to privelige the most difficult to debug code in a networked application: the interface between sending and receiving endpoints and their actual message exchange. This talk describes cognitive principles used to further Waldo's design goal as well as the results of a between-subjects experiment using Waldo.

Believing And Recalling What You See

Vidya Ramesh and Pawandeep Singh

We question whether the credence lent by users and the level of retention by users on collaborative knowledge-sharing website is influenced by design choices that affect the visibility of how multiple perspectives are shared. We conducted a study on Stanford computer science students to examine if modifications to the Stack Overflow interface affect credence and retention levels.

Interactive and animated news articles

Hakson Teh and Joy Kim

We compared an animated and interactive version of a news article against a traditional text version of the article to see if interactivity increases viewer investment in the subject matter.

ProjectTitle-v2.3 - what if you are on version 5.8.9 and want to combine the unicorn icon from version 4.13 and the moose from 2.3.7 and repaint them with the color in 3.2.5 while looking at 1.32 and 4.0.9?

M.J Ma and Jason Chen

Go here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnWujJld44CadHJRSm5ZeUtiRThsNzZTeW9XS2xsRkE

Social Media & Breaking News

Aaron Konigsberg and Bryce Kam

We explore how social has changed the way in which we consume breaking news by conducting a user study as well as an analysis of Twitter feeds and other social media websites.

Effectiveness of Location-Aware Maps

Alan Joyce and Camille Lamy

We created three different iPad-based maps with varying levels of location-awareness. We tested users' wayfinding abilities with each of these maps on the Stanford campus.

NoobViz: Increasing the creative confidence of novice programmers with a direct manipulation interface

Pokey Rule and Joel Sadler

We present NoobViz, a direct-manipulation interface for rapidly prototyping visual layouts in the Processing programming language. We compare programmer performance and improvements in self-efficacy on a simple image layout task using NoobViz versus an example-centric workflow.

Take a Deep Breath: How Collaboration and Competition Affect Calm Breathing

Andy Altman and Jim Zheng

We added a collaborative and competitive aspect to breathing by shaping a user's interaction with a belt that monitors their breath rate. We tested how these different types of interactions affects a user's breath rate.

Anonymous Priming

Sean Tannehill and

Coming Soon

Gary Lee and Daniel Smith