Project 2: Shadowboxing - Demo Film Festival
The Films!
- Primal
- Fishbowl
- Atom Smashers
- Human Tetris (1)
- Human Tetris (2)
- Shadow Drawing
- Shadow Warhol
- Game of Life
- Illuminate
- Elevators
- Anonymous Entertainment
- Evador
- Shadow Tunes
- Social Music
- Duet with Yourself
- Baudio
- Bond Booth
- Waiting in Line
- Human Tetris (3)
- AutoDJ
The Judging
The film review form is at:
The Awards
The Myron Krueger Award For Most Creative Use of Shadows
Winner: Evador -
The Edward T. Hall Award For Best Consideration of Users and Public Space
Winner: Elevators -
The Stanley Milgram Award For Being Most Likely to Freak Out Passersby
Winner: Primal -
The Michael Bay Award For Best Film Production Regardless of Content
Winner: Illuminate -
The Scott Snibbe Award For Demonstrated Potential to be the next Scott Snibbe
Winner: Game of Life -
People's Choice Award for Best Video
Winner: Bond Booth -
People's Choice Award for Best Application
Winner: Social Music