Teachers often have trouble using technologies independently in the classroom, especially when those technologies are unintuitive to learn. Many resist incorporating new technologies, despite seeing their benefits, because they are already overloaded with work.
Our mission is to provide assistance for teachers in navigating classroom software with efficiency and ease.
QuokkaTips is a mobile AR application designed for teachers that superimposes tutorials of classroom software over the user’s camera view. The app revolves around empathy, as a quokka character guides the user in real-time learning, discovering, and staying up-to-date with a set of trending classroom software.
Try out our most recent prototype of the QuokkaTips app on your mobile device.
Try QuokkaTips View the READMEHere are the steps we took in our design process.
We listened to the stories of students and teachers, in order to build a clear understanding of both sides of education.
POVs and Experience Prototypes
After defining issues in the education space, we set out to brainstorm ideas.
Concept Video
We produced this concept video to illustrate our solution and tasks that we set out to solve.
Lo-fi Prototype
After sketching out some storyboards and task flows, we created a lo-fi prototype on Marvel Pop.
Presentation: PDF Version Presentation: PPT Detailed Report Lo-Fi PrototypeMedium-fi Prototype
We incorporated feedback from our lo-fi testing to revise our design and create a medium-fi prototype in Figma.
Presentation: PDF Version Presentation: PPT READMEHeuristic Evaluation
Using Jakob Nielsen's "Ten Usability Heuristics" and some additional ones defined in class, our peers created the following report to help guide us in creating a better hi-fi prototype.
Detailed ReportHigh-fi Prototype
We coded our high-fi prototype, utiliizing React Native, Expo Go, and Firebase to develop the mobilie experience.
Report Checkpoint Midway Presentation: PDF Midway Presentation: PPT Final ReportMichelle L
Tomas D.F
Katherine C
Esteban W