Turn your fans into collaborators.

About Us

The current digital landscape leaves a lot to be desired for content creators and their fans. Creators struggle to get meaningful input from their fans, and fans feel like they aren’t being heard.

Croissant creates digital studios to enable focused, productive collaboration with fans who want to contribute.

Concept video (download here)

Try Our Prototype

Fan flow

Creator flow

Hi-fi video (download here)

Our Process


We interviewed social media creators and fans to understand pain points in their experiences.

Experience Prototypes

After identifing needs, we began to test assumptions through a simple experience prototype.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

We interviewed social media creators and fans to understand pain points in their experiences.

Medium-Fi Prototype and Heuristic Evaluation

We created Figma prototypes for both fans and creators. You can try them above or check out our supporting materials below.

High-Fidelity Prototype

Our final product -- an interactive prototype built using React Native.

Poster and pitch

Materials used for our presentation at the Final Expo, where we won awards for Most Novel Concept and Best Visual Design.

Our Team

Peter Boennighausen

Designer & Developer

Dhara Yu

Designer & Developer

Sejal Jhawer

Designer & Developer

William Buchanan

Designer & Developer