Fit Together

Find the perfect workout buddy for you


Most exercisers struggle to find a fitness partner who shares their abilities, goals, and schedule. 2Fit empowers users to find a compatible match so that workout buddies can reach their fitness goals, together.

Find a Fitness Buddy

Working out is always better in a team. With 2Fit, you'll be able to find a workout buddy that's a perfect fit for you.

Schedule Workouts

It's hard to meet your goals when you can't even meet your buddy! 2Fit will help you schedule joint workouts.

Join Group Events

Get connected with your local fitness community! 2Fit lets you host, browse, and join group events near you.

The Team

Akhil Jarilawa

Product Designer

Autumn Warren

Software Engineer

Kaughlin Caver

Software Engineer

Matthew Landis

Software Engineer