Our Motivation

Empowering students to create their own pathways to success.

Mission To empower and equip students with the tools needed to take charge of the college application process, and ready to give back to others seeking help during the process.

Problem College is seen as a goal for many students, but the college application process is confusing, complicated, and stressful.

Solution A single app that would allow students to ‘map’ out their college application process and connect them with similar background college students to provide mentorship and guidance.

Our Journey

As part of our design process, we built the app iteratively.


Download slides pdf, pptx

POV & Experience Prototypes

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Download report

Concept Video

Video download

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Low-Fi Prototype

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Download ReadMe

Med-Fi Prototype

Try our prototype

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Download ReadMe

Heuristic Evaluations

Download Heuristic Evluation Feedback PDF

Hi-Fi Prototype

Download our prototype here


Midway Milestone slides pdf, pptx

Final Report pdf

Poster & Pitch

Download poster PDF

Download pitch PDF

Our Team

Meet the folks who brought this to life.

Gray W.


Gray is a junior and a Symbolic Systems major, HCI track. He is interested in the intersection of social good and technology.

Mamadou D.


Mamadou is a senior in Computer Science, Systems track. He is interested in all things Africa (the continent, not the country), iOT devices, and talking about social identity.

Pao T.


Pao is a senior majoring in Symbolic Systems with a concentration focus on Human Computer Interaction. He is interested in the applications of how technology is and can be used in our current lives to create a brighter future.

Thank you for checking us out.