What We DoEcoKick is an app that promotes environmental and social impact through a crowdfunding platform for sustainable actions. Users create campaigns in which they promise to follow through on a long-term sustainability goal, and ask for funding which will go to a charity or cause of their choice. Others on the app can contribute to a campaign's funding, and if fully funded, follow up by reading updates from the campaign creator on how their sustainable change is going.
The Problem |
Living sustainably can be hard when the impact you have can't easily be seen or shared with others. You may not even know what sustainability means or how to start. As a result, individuals often end up not taking any action. Unfortunately, the problems in the world today will never be resolved without people coming together.
The Proposition |
EcoKick helps to kickstart sustainable living by creating a community around sustainable goals, leveraging a user's social network to turn individual apathy into collective action!