We're not here to sell you a house - we just want to give you the best information you can get before you make your decision.
We package up criminal, geographic, school and other public data to bring you everything you need to know about the home and neighborhood.
We spent countless hours interviewing realtors, home buyers, land speculators, and renters, to isolate the key problem in today's real estate market: lack of transparency.
Our initial needfinding results where we explored the real-estate market.
Presentation - PDF
Presentation - PPTx
Our second round of needfinding where we settled on a direction: addressing transparency issues.
Presentation - PDF
Presentation - PPTx
Our concept video where we pitch our idea.
Presentation - PDF
Presentation - PPTx
Our write-up and presentation on our paper lo-fi prototype. We tested it with three different people and honed
in on key interface issues, as well as decided on new features.
Presentation - PDF
Presentation - PPTx
Our medium-fi prototype hosted on InVision demonstrates our vision for the application, incoorporating
all the feedback from our lo-fi testing.
Prototype: InVision
Presentation - PDF
Presentation - PPTx
The report showcases the issues a panel of experts identified within our medium-fi prototype. We paid close attention
to their feedback when developing our first implementation prototype.
Heuristic Evaluation Report
Halfway Presentation - PDF
Halfway Presentation - PPTx
Our final prototype and report. The prototype is hosted on DigitalOcean, simply follow the link to explore it. Our report
analyzes the design process that led to createing our application from start to finish.
Final Prototype - Web
Final Prototype - Source Code
Final Report - PDF
Our Pitch Slide and Project Poster from the CS147 Fall 2015 Project Fair held at at the d.School on 12/4/2014.
Pitch Slide - jpg
Project Fair Poster - PDF
Project Fair Poster - PPTx