Project Perfect: Medium-Fi Prototype The prototype was created using Sketch and Marvel, and can be accessed here: For the first page, you would touch whether you are a student or a teacher. After this, you should either end up on the student landing page of the teacher landing page. At the top of each page, except for the first one is a navigation bar with five options: Navigation, Questions and Answers, Home, Settings, and Notificantions. Navigation will bring up a list of the pages of the project, which allows for wuicker travelling through pages. Questions and Answers will bring up the Q and A page that lets students and teachers see questions and answers for the entire class or just that specific project, depending on where the Q and A button was pressed. Home will take you to your respective landing page. Settings will being up setting (which is currently not part of the prototype). Notifications will bring up the notifications page, which currently has no notifications. For student pages, to select a project, touch the picture of the project. To travel to the next page, use either the navigation button to skip directly to a page, or you can tap the white arrow to either go forward or backward. Tap to interact with anything in the project pages (videos, uploads, questions). For the teacher pages, tap on the landing page to select between the two options. The same also holds for deciding between creating a project from scratch or searching for current projects. To create a project, follow the instructions given to add a name and description. Similar to the student project page, arrows indicate when you can move forward and backward. When adding stuff to a page, click what media type to use for that box and use the plus sign to add new boxes. When you want to add more pages, tap "Insert page" and if you want to finish creating the project, tap "Finalize Project". After finishing, the teacher should be allowed to download the project and/or send it to students. Something to remember is that, if you click something and other options on the page, that is Marvel's way of saying that the tapped object does not lead ot anything and that to do some action, press one of the options that flashed blue. Also, if the prototype is viewed on the Sketch website, it is possible to see all of the screens in the app. Limitations: we wanted to have it so that users could still swipr to travel between pages, but we were not sure how to do that in Sketch and Marvel. We also ended up hard coding a lot of the things the user might encounter such as the projects that the teacher and student interated with. Also, since the Q and A page were the same for both students and teachers, we couldn't get the NavBar at the top to go to different pages by pressing the same button on the top of the page. This means if you click the home button from the Q and A, you will end up on the student landing page.