Project Perfect: High-Fi Prototype The prototype is a web app created in Rails, and can be accessed at For the first page, you should see two pages that say "I'm a teacher and I'm a student". To go to the teacher pages, select "I'm a teacher" and to go to student pages, select "I'm a student". The main functions of the teacher pages in this prototype is creating and storing a new project. The main functionality for the teacher pages is demonstrating th project creation feature. The project creation is currently done as a one page form so that if users need to make correction, they would only need to scroll/slide up to go back to a previous entry field. Due to our collective inexperience with Rails, we couldn't implement adding in a variable number of steps/supplies, both of which have a set number of 3, and we couldn't implement uploading pictures that can be later pulled when viewing the projects. Due to time constraints, we also couldn't flesh out much of the teacher side of the application. To navigate between the pages, you can use buttons to move to the next page. Normally, there would be some better way to return to the next page, but only one option currently works on each page with the "Manage Classes" button justn ot leading anywhere and the "Browse Existing" projects page leading to a "Coming Soon" page. After creating the project, this will lead to the "Project Created" page, which will shows the planned options for what teachers can do for projects after creating them. For the bottom navbar, the only two buttons on the teacher side that work are the home button (the house), which will lead back to the first teacher page, and the settings button (the gear), which will aloow the user to log out. The main functionality for the student is seeing/doing and submitting the project, usually one created by their teacher. When you choose "I'm a student", you will see a home page listing projects that are currently assigned and those that have been completed or are past their due date. From here you can select one of the projects in the current in the current projects column. From here you will be taken to the project's landing page, will will show some description for the project on the left and showing links for the different pages ("Background", "Supllies", "step 1", ...) on the right. As stated, we currently could not finish implementing storing and retrieving pictures to their correct projects, so all projects have hard-coded placeholder pictures that correspond to the first project in the database: "Making Salt Crystals". To navigate between the student pages, using either the links on the landing page or the left and right arrows on the side of each of the pages to go on to the next page. When you reach the end, you can "submit" the project and it will lead to a project done page. Depending on the page, the navigation bar on the bottom will have 4 or 5 buttons on the bottom. Only three of these button lead to implemented features: the home button, which goes to the student home page, the settings button, which lets the user log out and return to the first page, and the navigation button (the pointer/arrow), which only shows up on project-related pages and is a quick jump to different pages in the project. Note that this means the questions and answers section and the alerts section are currently not implemented, so the buttons on the navbar for those two pages will lead to a basic "Not yet implemented" page.