Jorge Cueto
Roles: Product Management & Development
By Team ThisAbility
Jorge C, Nicole C, Lynne S, & Musila M
Over 5% of people have disabilities such as nonverbal learning disorder and dyscalculia, rendering them unable to do basic math calculations.
PayAbility is an iPhone application that makes paying easier and less stressful by helping users to compare prices, stay within budget, and pay with exact change. Advanced software features such as bar code scanning and optical character recognition make inputting prices a breeze, while animations and pictures help users to visualize money in a clear and engaging way.
Our team is passionate about creating a more welcoming, socially conscious, and diverse tech industry, in addition to using technology to solve meaningful problems.
Roles: Product Management & Development
Roles: Development & Documentation
Roles: Design & User Testing
Roles: Design, User Testing, & Videography
Key steps in the design thinking and product development process.
Framing 3 key problems as Point of View statements based on our
understanding of users and their needs, as well as crafting paper-based
"experience prototypes" to develop a better sense
of where to focus our project.
Download the presentation PDF here
Download the written report here
An evaluation conducted by 4 reviewers who checked our medium-fidelity prototype for
compliance with usability principles ("heuristics").
Download the results here
POVs and Experience Prototypes
or the presentation PPTX here
Heuristic Evaluation
Concrete representations of our design, in varying levels of detail.
Interactive prototype created using Sketch and Marvel implementing
the feedback from the low-fidelity prototype. This demonstrates how
a user would interact with the PayAbility application.
Try the medium-fidelity prototype here
Download the presentation PDF here
Prototype that takes into account all of the previous
feedback and implements the PayAbility application so that it feels
like a finished product. Running on iPhone.
Try the hi-fi prototype here
Download the presentation PDF here
Download the written report here
Interactive Medium-Fidelity Prototype
See the README for instructions here
or the presentation PPTX here
Interactive High-Fidelity (Hi-Fi) Prototype
See the README for instructions here
or the presentation PPTX here