People of all ages run into creative blocks, so we aim to provide resources and exercises as outlets for your intrinsic ingenuity. These resources include fun, short activities that you can work on, to make sure that those creative juices never stop flowing.
Our app targets mobile users so that all users can have access to creative exercises on the go. This allows for impromptu exercises whenever you have free time so you can maximize your creative growth potential.
Being creative should not be bounded by age. Our app can be used by anyone and everyone. From toddlers to teens to adults who may need a little spark of ingenuity, we provide the resources you need to promote creative thoughts.
Stay connected with the world and growth as a collective creative whole with our app. We allow any user to outsource creative questions for others to answer and for you, the user, to help answer the questions of others.
This app helped me graduate, find a wife, invest in penny stocks, live in the bahamas, and then brew my own beer. Creativity is the best!
- Anonymous user #1
Before we even started prototyping, we thought it would be valuable to visualize how our app might be used. We created this concept video to fulfill this purpose and show the app's usability.
I can imagine what I would be like if I never found this app now! Talk about boosting one's creativity, I feel like a genius!
- Anonymous user #2
The world is my oyster with this creativity booster at my fingertips!
- Happy customer #2
This is our med-fi prototype, which we created using Sketch for the various UI screens, and invision to create an interactive mock-up of the app. This allowed us to test the market validity of our app before we even started coding.
It feels like I can see the world in a whole new light.
- Anonymous user #5
Our high-fi prototype was created using a Parse backend and the new Swift language. The instructions to install the app are included and it comes bundled as an .ipa file to install onto one's iPhone.
This app helped me ace my CS147 midterm! I was so creative.
- Anonymous user #4
We are students at Stanford University taking CS 147: Human-Computer Interaction and Design. We proudly bring you our quarter-long project, Dazzle, and hope that it rekindles your creative genius.
Class of 2017
Fullstack Developer
Class of 2018
Class of 2018
Class of 2016