README Team Covalence (Courtney, Ted, Logan, Emma) Welcome to the Android-based high fidelity prototype for our app, Covalence! Our prototype was build on Android studios and involved using a webapp for a majority of the map creation. This was done through using a webview in Android that would display our webapp, which is located at Our webview was implemented using a javascript library, vis.js, that allowed for the display of graph networks. We further added functionality to allow for the creation of nodes and edges and to fit our design and aesthetic needs. From here, our web view is able to give the map to our Android application, where the maps are stored and can be accessed. This prototype features much more functionality and freedom when compared to our medium fidelity prototype. In this application, you are able to create your own map, load your maps, and search through other peoples' maps. When opening a map, there are two modes. Edit mode and View mode. On any map that you've created, you are in edit mode. However, if you are looking at someone else's map that has not given you permission to edit, then you will be put into view mode. In view mode, you do not have any ability to change the map around or edit nodes - you can only scroll around and check out more information about nodes. In edit mode however, you can change the map however you want. When editing a map, there are a few main tasks you can do. First off, you can create a node by clicking on the plus button on the bottom right. This gives you two choices: text nodes or image nodes. Once added, these nodes can be further modified. Each node can be edited by selecting it and then clicking on the pen icon. In addition, you can delete nodes by selecting them and clicking on the trash icon. If you would like to move a node, you have to click and hold on a node until it is selected, and then drag your finger. If you would like to connect nodes, you have to quicklly drag from a node to another. To delete connections, you delete them exactly as you would delete a node. In addition to editing the map design, you can save and share your maps with others. You share by clicking on the arrow icon on the top left of your screen. You can then type in an email and select what permissions to give that person, as well as include a message. The map will keep track of who is on the map and their permissions. Aside from making a map, you can also search other peoples' maps. This is done through clicking on the compass/search icon on the top right of your screen. From here, you can search all maps that you have permission to view or edit, including your own. Selecting a map from here will open it up for you in either view or edit mode, based on your permissions. If you would like to look through your maps, you can go to your home screen again by selecting the house icon. In addition, you can delete your maps from here, by clicking on the trash can icon. We hope you have fun with this application!