Idea 1: Make a conveyer belt with chairs that people can sit on to rest while in line
How to prototype: Bring rolling office chairs and have people sit on them to roll through line. Manually bring the front chair to the back at the end of the line for now.
Why: This idea addresses the fact that most people in line look/feel incredibly uncomfortable and attempts to turn the otherwise physically and mentally stressful aspects of waiting in line into a time for relaxation and reflection.
Idea 2: An app that brings up calls/texts you have to return with reminder topics so you can be productive and reconnect with people while in line
How to prototype: A series of index cards demonstrating various application screens/features
Why: This idea connects with people's want to be productive while in line and makes it easier to get work done by effectively scheduling previous "dead" time in line as people-oriented work, networking, and relaxation time.
Idea 1 User Testing: In the Stanford Bookstore line. 50+ Different Users.
Idea 2 User Testing: In Safeway line. 2 Different Users.
Idea 1 User Insights:
Idea 2 User Insights: